FPS Staff Members Deliver School Lunches during AMI Days
Fayetteville Public Schools will be closed beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, and will move to Alternative Methods of Instruction until further notice.
Image of throughly washing hands.
Associate Degree Completion Program Information Night
Programa para completar Grado Asociado  Noche Informativa
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FPS Focus on the Future Logo for the Feburary 11 Bond Election
Fayetteville Public Schools will be participating in Hour of Code December 9 - 13 during Computer Science Education Week
Father and daughter participate in the annual Thanksgiving Feast!
FPS Orchestra Program Presents Monster Mash 2019
Cheri Desoto, winner of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, poses with some of her students.
Fayetteville School Board invites all PTA and PTO members and FPS parents to a formal Strategic Plan presentation on Monday, October 21 at the FHS Performing Arts Center at 6:00 pm
FHS Color Guard student participating in the annual Homecomming Parade on the Fayetteville Square. Student in black FHS uniform with purple flag.
FPS Purple Dog Food Truck will start a 2 week school tour selling Street Tacos
Ramay Staff Lounge Makeover
Andrea Kitchen
School Supply List