Attention Leverett parents and guardians! We are in need of some volunteers that are willing to help with field day on May 24th! We are looking for 20 volunteers to help run the different stations throughout the day. Please sign up using the signup genius ( if you are interested and willing to help give our students the best field day yet! We have a ton of fun and exciting things planned! There will be an inflatable obstacle course, a dunk tank, face painting, sack races, and many more activities. Your students will even get the opportunity to throw a pie at one of their teachers! Sign up to join in on the fun! DEADLINE TO SIGNUP TO VOLUNTEER WILL BE MAY 13TH
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
field day
Dear Leverett Families, I wanted to let you know that I announced my retirement last week to the faculty and staff at Leverett. My last day will be June 15th. It has been my sincere pleasure to have served as the Principal of Leverett Elementary for the past five years and Fayetteville schools for the past 27 years! I am so very grateful to have had the opportunity to have worked alongside you, the parents, guardians, and community leaders, impacting future generations! Together we have faced great challenges and together we have done great things! I have truly been blessed to be a part of your child’s education. I take with me such sweet memories of student successes and family nights! Our family nights were some of the most fun and amazing events that I will cherish forever! Leverett has always been a special place with a long-standing tradition of being the BEST IT CAN BE-E! I plan to spend more time with my family, particularly my grandchildren and my parents! I look forward to hearing all the wonderful news coming from Leverett in the future! With love, appreciation, and gratitude, Chris Sputo
over 2 years ago, Chris Sputo
Reminder: Lions Pride Academy enjoyed our last meetings last week. We will not have any more meetings for the remainder of the year. Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers and leaders for all of your hard work!
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
LPA - Complete
Leverett PTO is seeking volunteers to monitor the parking lots on Saturday for parking during the Garth Brooks concert. All spots will be prepaid, so this will be a very simple opportunity to volunteer! If you are available the evening of Saturday, April 23rd please sign up here!/showSignUp/5080e49aea828a0f49-garth
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
Leverett PTO invites you to volunteer this Sunday 4/24/22 and will meet from 10 am - 2 pm at Leverett Elementary for an Earth Day Clean-up event. There are indoor and outdoor projects scheduled, including reorganization of the gym supply shed, weeding the garden area, and general clean up on the school grounds. No worries if you cannot attend the entire event, come for as much time as your schedule allows - and of course, bring the kids! What to bring/wear: Dress in clothes you don't mind getting dirty. A pizza lunch will be provided to volunteers, bring a drink! There will be plenty of on-site parking at Leverett.
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
Earth Day
Please send $0.50 with your student for popcorn and a drink on Friday 4/22/22. Thank you, PTO!!
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
Popcorn day
We are inviting our Leverett Families and Friends to join us for lunch with a Lion on Friday, 4/29/22. Please follow this link ( RSVP, or call the school office at 479-444-3077 to RSVP. We can't wait to see you!
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
We are excited to invite parents and guardians to a question and answer session with our Principal, Mrs. Sputo, and our Assistant Principal, Mr. Fitzgerald. Mark your calendars to join us for Coffee with Chris and Fitz on Thursday, April 21st from 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM. No RSVP is required. If you have questions that you would like to have addressed, please fill out this quick Google form ( We look forward to seeing you!
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
Fayetteville Public Schools is looking for parent and guardian feedback. Please use this link to complete a survey:
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
MARCH IS WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH! We celebrate the contributions and achievements of some of the AMAZING women who have served Fayetteville Public Schools! Louise Bell, principal of FHS when the school was voluntarily integrated in 1954. Feriba McNair, former teacher, coach, and longtime school board member. She also started the FHS Girls Golf program. Dr. Mitzi Kuroda, FHS alumna and Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School.
over 2 years ago, FPS Communications Dept
Louise Bell, principal of FHS when the school was voluntarily integrated in 1954.
Feriba McNair, former teacher, coach, and longtime school board member. She also started the FHS Girls Golf program.
Dr. Mitzi Kuroda, FHS alumna and Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School.
Leverett and the PTO are looking for several parent volunteers who would like to help assist with our quarterly Cub Cash Carnival Friday 3/18. The carnival will be split into 2 different time groups. K-1st 12:50-1:30. And 2nd-4th 1:50-2:30. To learn more and sign up, please use the link below. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
Cub Cash
Parent - Teacher Conferences are coming up 3/30 and 3/31. Check your email to sign up for a spot or contact your child's teacher. You can come in person or attend via Zoom. We look forward to seeing you!
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
PT Conf 3.16.22
Hello Leverett Families - It's time to play! From 7:15 - 7:45 each morning, as students are dropped off, we will have supervision on the playground. Please ensure that your student has appropriate attire. In case of inclement weather, students will be inside for supervision. As always, students will continue to be dropped off at the car rider line from 7:15 - 7:55. Students can be dropped off at the office after 7:55. Breakfast is at 7:45. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
Morning Drop off
The Woodland Junior High Quiz Bowl team won first place in the AR Governor's Quiz Bowl Association state tournament held Saturday at Lake Hamilton School District. The team is coached by Patricia Dennis-McClung. Sumedh Kalyankar was the high point winner for the tournament. Ramay Junior High Quiz Bowl team won third place in the tournament and is coached by Larry Schirling. Congrats to all!
over 2 years ago, FPS Communications Dept
The Woodland Junior High Quiz Bowl team won first place in the AR Governor's Quiz Bowl Association state tournament held Saturday at Lake Hamilton School District. The team is coached by Patricia Dennis-McClung.  Sumedh Kalyankar was the high point winner for the tournament. Ramay Junior High Quiz Bowl team won third place in the tournament and is coached by Larry Schirling. Congrats to all!
WE WANT YOUR RECYCLABLES! Hello Leverett Parents! In art class, we will soon be creating a coral reef out of recyclables for Earth Day, to bring attention to the problem of pollution in our oceans. We are going to need lots of recyclables to build our coral reef: bottles, plastic packaging, cardboard, tagboard (like cereal boxes). If you have anything you think our kids could use to make a coral reef, feel free to send it to school with your child, and have them drop it off in the art studio. Thanks so much for your help! -Mrs. Smith
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
Staff Spotlight! Meet Mrs. Betty Metcalf, a paraprofessional at Butterfield Trail Elementary for 27 years. Mrs. Betty enjoys building relationships with students, finding out what they are most interested in, and then figuring out how to serve them best. She loves discovering students' talents because everyone has a gift, they just have to find it. Mrs. Betty also has a passion for gardening! She works tirelessly in the Butterfield school garden with students growing many types of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants! Thank you, Mrs. Betty!
over 2 years ago, FPS Communications Dept
Students working in the garden at Butterfield Trail Elementary with Mrs. Betty Metcalf.
Students working in the garden at Butterfield Trail Elementary with Mrs. Betty Metcalf.
Students working in the garden at Butterfield Trail Elementary with Mrs. Betty Metcalf.
Students working in the garden at Butterfield Trail Elementary with Mrs. Betty Metcalf.
Next week, March 7 - 11, we will celebrate G.U.I.D.E. for Life with a Color Competition. Each day, we will focus on one facet of G.U.I.D.E., and ask for students to wear as much of that day's colors. Each class will compete for the winners wearing the most of that day's colors: Monday: Green Tuesday: Yellow Wednesday: Pink Thursday: Orange Friday: Blue Please see the graphic for more information for G.U.I.D.E. for Life. #onefps #hearusroar #ARGUIDEforLIFE
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
G.U.I.D.E 1
G.U.I.D.E 2
The Fayetteville Parent Teacher Cooperative organized a lunch today to celebrate our bus drivers on School Transportation Appreciation Day! Thank you to the FPTC for the celebration! Thanks also to JJ’s Grill for the food and McAlister’s Deli for the tea!
over 2 years ago, FPS Communications Dept
The Fayetteville Parent Teacher Cooperative organized a lunch today to celebrate our bus drivers on School Transportation Appreciation Day! Thank you to the FPTC  for the celebration!  Thanks also to JJ’s Grill for the food and McAlister’s Deli for the tea!
The Fayetteville Parent Teacher Cooperative organized a lunch today to celebrate our bus drivers on School Transportation Appreciation Day! Thank you to the FPTC  for the celebration!  Thanks also to JJ’s Grill for the food and McAlister’s Deli for the tea!
The Fayetteville Parent Teacher Cooperative organized a lunch today to celebrate our bus drivers on School Transportation Appreciation Day! Thank you to the FPTC  for the celebration!  Thanks also to JJ’s Grill for the food and McAlister’s Deli for the tea!
The Fayetteville Parent Teacher Cooperative organized a lunch today to celebrate our bus drivers on School Transportation Appreciation Day! Thank you to the FPTC  for the celebration!  Thanks also to JJ’s Grill for the food and McAlister’s Deli for the tea!
Congratulations to the 2022 FHS Color’s Day Court!💜 Queen Trusha Liyanage, Maid of Honor Rebecca Jane Brennan, First Maid Grace Pomeroy, Second Maid Kelsey Urban, Third Maid Elizabeth Gunderman! @granolaphotographystudio
over 2 years ago, FPS Communications Dept
2022 FHS Colors Day Court!
2022 FHS Colors Day Court!
2022 FHS Colors Day Queen!
2022 FHS Colors Day Court!
Reminder Leverett Families: We will not have school on Monday, 2/21/22 in observance of President's Day. See you Tuesday!
over 2 years ago, Jessie Smith
No school 2.21.22