Great turn-out at the districtwide AVID signing tonight #RamayPrideRunsDeep

Teya Jackson received the Kiwanis Youth Excellence Award today... we love you Teya!

Mr. Michael Wright was our February Teacher of the Month... for his dedication to supporting all of his students. Great character and a role model to the students he serves.

The Ramay Pre-Engineering program partnered with the Fayetteville Humane Society to build 3 dog houses for their animals. Meek’s in Fayetteville and Lowes’s on MLK sponsored materials to build the houses. Ms. O’Neal’s GA classes built the houses and Mrs. Strasser’s Graphic Design Class designed the logo and flyers to showcase the project.

Congratulations to our January pow-wow winners you represent RamayPride!

Congratulations to our Coach Jordan, our December teacher of the month, you’re a great role model for our students and an excellent example of Ramay PRIDE thank you for all you do!

Congratulations to Ramay’s very own Henry Childress #RamayPrideRunsDeep

Check out this PTO fundraiser... thanks!

Thank you Koenigseder Realty Group for sponsoring our winner of some Apple Air Pods. Hayden Payne was the winner.

Reyna Carrillo goes out of her way to help new students adjust to Remy. I’m grateful for her kindness and helpfulness and that she’s part of our school family.

Annabel Williams Always working hard, always doing excellent. Keep it up!

Josiah Bledsoe For being a fractions superstar! Great work ethic! So proud of you!

Makayla Noland Patience, compassion, and a good worth ethic and social studies.

Sam Brogi For always doing the workouts, always working hard. I never have to question if you’re doing what is right. You always have a positive attitude and are working to do get better, to push yourself to be beyond your limits.

Gael Garcia For working hard in every practice, always doing your best even when it hurts, staying positive and encouraging your teammates to do the same

Aidan Bowen For working so hard during the indoor cardio workouts and having a positive attitude while doing it.

Kyle Linsalato For being a fractions superstar! Awesome work ethic! So proud of you

Hunter Kemp For never questioning the why of a work out, for working hard every practice, for being an example to others, for your respect of me, other coaches, teammates and the discipline the sport brings.

Kaitlyn Dahler For being such a model student every day thank you for being so responsible, such a hard worker, and most importantly a kind person. You make me want to work hard to be the best I can be for you

Rachel Sello Rachel is always helpful without expectation of reward. Thank you for sharing pencils with other students