Jacob Nordin earned a positive office referral... way to go Jacob! #rprd

Cheyenne Priest was awarded a positive office referral... way to go Cheyenne!

Ramay defeated Woodland in volleyball action in the first two sets. #rprd

Ramay wins the first set! #rprd

Ramay vs Woodland tonight at FHS arena.

Our first positive office referral... Kumalo Kumalo you rock! #bling #rprd

Great turnout at Ramay for our first Band Parent Meeting. #rprd

Ramay wins in straight sets 25-8, 25-12 1-0 on the year #rprd

First set win for Ramay 25-8 #rprd

Ramay volleyball prepping for Shiloh in Varsity action. Stay tuned for updates... #rprd

Ramay taking on Shiloh at Shiloh in Volleyball action...

Curriculum Night at Ramay August 23 5-6:30pm (not a drop in... program starts at 5 sharp) Hope to see you there!