Colin Speece... Great work on absolute value... Ramay pride runs deep!
Alexys Baldwin... Great work on absolute value!
Marcus McCoy... Hardwork on absolute value, you the man!
Cynthia Montiel... Great work presenting the four step approach!
Josh Gerstner... Great job presenting the four step approach!
M’niyah Mayo... thanks for Being a part of the best classes ever thank you for demonstrating such integrity!
Jaisee Hall...Bringing a positive, helpful attitude every day and jumping into discussions with unique perspectives!
Sesedrick Gantt...Being polite, respectful, and working hard in class!
Ramay volleyball finishes off Lingle of Rogers in 2 sets 25-13, 25-3 to remain undefeated!
Zoey Myler... Thank you for being so helpful in class on a daily basis!
Annie Meldrum... You’ve been recognized for always working hard, having a positive attitude, being helpful, and being respectful. You go Girl!
Gael Garcia... Another positive office referral for always having a positive attitude at practice. We really appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to work hard every day!
Kyle Linsalato... Working hard and always been respectful!
Ramay wins in 2 sets over Bemtonville Lincoln 25-8, 25-13!!
Ramay wins first game versus Lincoln of Bemtonville 25-8
Stella Gaudern... working hard on integers!
Gabby Wilson... being an awesome band student and showing integrity!
Sam Brogi... Rocking a perfect score on your science test, showing your leader ship in the classroom, and practice, and during competition, and for always giving more than what you thought you had!
Avery Mock working hard on integers!
Cadence Conway Working hard on integers and fractions!